Flip-Over Card

Since January 2024 I am a new addition to the ECD team and my name is Marianna.
As a member of Annette Green’s Everyday Elements team I used her collections to make a Flip-Over Card Stand. I was inspired by the monthly themed challenge from Annette’s team (over on Facebook in the ECD Family Group) and needed a card stand to be able to show my work.

  1. Glue torn lily paper to a corner of 1 greyboard;

  2. Glue torn pieces of vintage (book) papers;

  3. Mix gesso and pink acrylic paint and cover dark spots slightly;

  4. Add more pink to the mix and use a stencil in various spots. Let dry;

  5. Stamp this background in different spots;

  6. Decorate the rest of the page flat;

  7. Cut two holes in the grey board at 2,5 cm and 11,5 cm from the top left side and 2,5 cm from the top;
    Repeat with the other piece of prepped grey board;

8. Glue the vintage lace to the top front of the 1st grey board and to the top back of the 2nd piece,
both inside and outside the 2 grey boards;

9. Cut 2 pieces of plain cardstock, 1x (13x17 cm)  and 1x 13x21 cm), and make holes in them,
corresponding with the holes in the grey boards;

10. Add the rings and place the 2 pieces of plain cardstock on them;  

11. Add a piece of thin lace to both sides.

12. Add your (challenge) cards to it and you’re DONE! 

I hope I inspired you to make a Flip-Over Card Stand and I hope you have loads of fun doing so!

If you would like to participate in the challenge, hop on over to the Elizabeth Craft Designs Family Group on Facebook to read about the themes and the guidelines. Don’t forget to show your project there and add the hashtag for that month’s theme, to be able to win a ECD $50,- gift certificate. For July the theme is #labelmecrazy.

Have a great day!


ELizabeth Craft Designs Products used:

Other Products:

  • 2 grey board pieces (25 x 25 cm), coated with Gesso white

  • 2 coordinating color plain cardstock (1x sheet 30x30cm)

  • 2 rings, diameter 3,5 cm 

  • old book papers

  • pink acrylic paint

  • gesso white

  • stamping ink in the corresponding color

  • 4,5 cm wide lace + 2x 12 cm thin lace


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